Le origini del male John Pogue, 2014
La gelosia Philippe Garrel, 2013
Big Wedding Justin Zackham, 2013
Stories We Tell Sarah Polley, 2012
Quel che sapeva Maisie Scott McGehee, David Siegel
The Dark Side of the Sun Lorenzo Ceccotti, Carlo Shalom Hintermann
Synecdoche, New York Charlie Kaufman, 2008
Ragazze a mano armata Fabio Segatori
Gebo e l'ombra Manoel de Oliveira, 2012
Jersey Boys Clint Eastwood, 2014
The Gambler Ignas Jonynas
The Congress Ari Folman, 2013
Rompicapo a New York Cédric Klapisch, 2013